Tutorials, tips and advice on GCSE Maths coursework and exams for students, parents and teachers Quadratic Equation Formula Life gets much more complicated when we have to solve equations of the form a x² b x c = 0Free GCSE Maths revision materials Grade 91 GCSE Maths worksheets, past papers and practice papers for Edexcel, AQA and OCRLearning GCSE Maths Algebra, Fractions and Logic (Fun GCSE Maths revision quizzes to teach students in Year 10 and Year 11) You probably know Mathematics as 'Maths' or possibly, 'that subject that gives me a headache' We've all been there When a formula or equation just isn't making sense, it can feel like your brain is full of

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Gcse maths formula posters- GCSE Mathematics Formulae Sheet Great for revision and display Creative Commons "NoDerivatives" Reviews 47 Something went wrong, please try again later wangkimhwa57 a year ago report 4 Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Retiredcarol 2 years ago report 5 Empty reply does not make any senseThe Quadratic Formula is a way of finding the roots (also called solutions) of a quadratic equation The part of the formula under the square root (b2 – 4ac) is called the discriminant and it tells you a lot about the roots If b 2 – 4ac > 0 then there are two distinct (different) real roots (*) If b 2 – 4ac = 0 then there is one real

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GCSE Maths test Formulae Normal User ratings Rated 4 /5 ( 33 Votes) 1 2 3GCSE Maths Formula Sheet Rules of Indices Rule 1 When you multiply indices of the same number you add the powers For example 54x 53= 543= 57 Rule 2 When you divide indices of the same number you subtract the powers For example Rule 3 Indices outside a bracket multiply For example (32)4 = 32 x 4 = 38 Rule 4 Negative indices mean reciprocal, ie 'one over' or 'putThe formula is also known as \(\frac{1}{2} \times b \times h\) Formulae contain equals signs, as do equations, so it can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between an equation and a
Formulae online math tests for GCSE maths Finding value of a variable in a formulae, transposing formulae, rearranging formulas to change subject Maths CategoriesGCSE Formulae to Remember Area of a Circle =𝜋 2 Circumference of a Circle =2𝜋 or =𝜋 Area of a Sector = 𝜃 360 × 𝜋 2 Arc Length =𝜃 360 × 2𝜋r or =𝜃 360 × 𝜋d Volume of a Prism Area of Cross Section x Length Volume of a Pyramid 𝑉 𝑢 𝑃 𝑖 3The formula sheets given to you in the GCSE Maths exams are below Each exam board's formula sheet is very similar AQA GCSE Maths formula sheet Edexcel GCSE Maths formula sheet
GCSE Revision GCSE revision videos, exam style questions and solutions Click here to view the 16 A*E Specification For GCSE Maths I am using the Casio Scientific Calculator Casio Scientific Calculator If is blocked at your school you can access the videos using this link All GCSE Videos UnblockedFor example, the formula to work out the area of a triangle \(\text{Triangle area} = \frac{bh}{2}\) (where \(b\) represents the base of the triangle and \(h\) represents the height of theFind out in this GCSE Maths quiz Formulas (or formulae) are very useful in all aspects of life, but particularly to scientists and engineers Once a formula has been derived, it means that future scientists and engineers don't have to rediscover it for themselves If you study Physics you will be familiar with Newton's second law, F=ma

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A free GCSE maths revision site aimed at helping you pass your GCSE maths exam Hundreds of worksheets, past GCSE questions and games to improve your maths Formulae Formulae you will need for your maths exam with interactive examples of how to use them GlossaryGCSE Maths Higher Formula Sheet These formulae are not given to you and you need to know them St Anthony's Girls' Catholic Academy = 2−1 2− 1 Gradient of a Line (x 1 , y 1) (x 2 , y 2) or = height base base tThe general example of a quadratic equation is written as ax2bxc= 0 a x 2 b x c = 0 a is coefficient (number in front) of the x 2 term b is coefficient (number in front) of the x term c is the constant term (number on its own) At GCSE the solutions to polynomial equations such as quadratics will always give real numbers but they can

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Download GCSE maths revision formula cheat sheet >> Download Free GCSE maths revision formula cheat sheet How to revise One way to test yourself on the formula is to print out the sheet and then hide the right hand side with another bit of paper or a book can you then name the formula based on the explanation given?They will not be given in the examination 3 The quadratic formula The solutions of 𝑎𝑥2𝑏𝑥𝑐= 0 where 𝑎 ≠0 4 Circumference and area of a circle Where r is the radiusTitle __formulae_FormulaeSide Created Date Z

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GCSE Maths Revision Solving Linear Equations (1) GCSE Maths Revision Solving Linear Equations (1) Watch later Share Copy link Info Shopping Tap to GCSE Maths Formulae Sheet including all the formulae that aren't given to the students in the exams (Edexcel) One sheet for Foundation, one for Higher This resource uses some images from the Pearson produced formulae sheet (and credit to them for it), as well as additional formulae added and images created by myselfFormula A formula is a special type of equation;

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The quadratic formula the sine and cosine rules area of a triangle = ½ ab sin C 2 Formulae that should be derived or informally understood Those for all candidates are the formulae for compound interest (statement 503a) area of a trapezium (statement 1003c) volume of a prism (statement 1004a)The maths formula sheets also contain the following examples Volume of a cuboid length x width x height = lwh Cosine rule a² b² c² 2bcCosA Surface area of a sphere 4 x π x radius x radius = 4πr² Of course, the GCSE Maths formulae are inclusive of everything else your pupils need at= sin ;

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Maths Made Easy © Complete Tuition Ltd 18 Trigonometric ratios sin ;= ℎ cos ;= ℎ tan ;= The Sine rule sin ;GCSE Maths Foundation Formula Sheet These formulae are not given to you and you need to know them St Anthony's Girls' Catholic Academy or = height base base t Equation of a Line y = mx c Angles in Polygons SumofInteriorAngles=( −2)×180° Where n is the number of sides of the shape Exterior Angles add up to 360o One exterior angle in aA Maths Formulas GCSE Flashcard Maker Lottie Abbott 19 Cards – 1 Decks – 1 Learner Sample Decks Formulas to learn Show Class GCSE Edexcel Mathematics formulae (91) GCSE Edexcel Mathematics formulae (91) Flashcard Maker Alija Shahi 29 Cards – 1 Decks – 6 Learners

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= sin ;The Cosine rule 2= 2 2 ;−2 cos ;The formula works off of the standard form of a quadratic ax 2 bx c = 0 Here are the biggest things to watch out for when using the formula If there is a minus, then pay attention!

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Expression Equation Formula Identity Gcse Maths Question Of The Week Foundation Higher Mr Barton Maths Blog
The formulae that we can provide to students in GCSE (91) mathematics questions are the three kinematics formulae (statement 602e) and the formulae for surface area and volume of cones, spheres and pyramids (statements 1004b and 1004c)Cosine Rule a2 = b2 c2 − 2bccosA a 2 = b 2 c 2 − 2 b c cos It shows the relationship between two variables A formula looks like this, v=hwl, when v = volume, h = height, w = width and l = length x3=5 is not a formula, it has only one variable x Identity An identity is a relation which is true

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;= 2 2− 2 2 Compound Measures Speed = Density = Pressure = Algebra The Quadratic equationExpression, Formula, Identity, Equation (Foundation/Higher) GCSE Maths Question of the Week Download the worksheet Get extra help on Writing Expressions Watch the video Name Try online View data & explanations;Since the GCSE Maths specifications changed in 15, formula booklets are no longer provided for most maths GCSE examinations This means you'll need to know the important formulas off by heart There's no point only loosely knowing them, as this may mean that you'll get them wrong in your exam which could easily lose you some vital marks

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Edexcel GCSE (91) Maths needtoknow formulae wwwedexcelcom/gcsemathsformulae Volumes Cuboid = I x w x h Prism = area of cross section x length section length D p Centre Cylinder = Pyramid — rrr2 h x area of base x h Compound measures Speed distance speed = time Density mass density = volume Pressure force pressure The IGCSE mathematics formula sheet contains all the important formulas and equations from the IGCSE mathematics syllabus and which are used commonly in O level mathematics exam While solving question the formula sheet makes it easier for students to practice, they have all the formulas at one place and do not need to look for the formulas fromPythagoras and Trigonometry Higher Only Pythagoras' theorem a 2 b 2 = c 2 a^2 b^2 = c^2 a2 b2 = c2 sin ( x) = o p p h y p \sin (x) = \dfrac {\text {opp}} {\text {hyp}}\,\,\,\, sin(x) = hypopp cos ( x) = a d j h y p \cos (x) = \dfrac {\text {adj}} {\text {hyp}}\,\,\,\, cos(x) = hypadj

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To calculate the area of a triangle you use the following formula A= ½ bh ½ b is half the base length of the triangle and h is the height of the triangle So you multiply ½ the base length by the height Rectangle To calculate the area of a rectangle you use the following formula A = bh This means you just multiply the base length by the height Perimeter, area, surface area and volume formulae Where is the radius of the sphere or cone, is the slant height of a cone and is the perpendicular height of a cone Curved surface area of a cone = Surface area of a sphere = Volume of a sphere = Volume of a cone = Kinematics formulaeCombine the x terms so the equation becomes "Ax = " Divide both sides by A so then the equation becomes "x = " This is the answer, Wahey!

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Powered by https//wwwnumerisecom/This video is a tutorial on using the Quadratic Formula Please make yourself a revision card while watching this and atFormula Sheet revision notes and tests for GCSE MathsEdexcel GCSE (91) Maths needtoknow formulae wwwedexcelcom/gcsemathsformulae Pythagoras For a rightangled triangle, a2 b2 = c2 sin xo = , cos xo = , tan xo = Quadratic equations The solutions of ax2 bx c = 0, where a ≠ 0, are given by x = Circles Circumference = C π × diameter, C = πd Circumference = 2 × π × radius, C = 2πr

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1 Formulae GCSE Mathematics 2 1 Know these The following formulae are included in the subject content Candidates are expected to know these formulae;If it becomes an x 2 term, then the answer is the ± the square root Example – with a Fraction and Square Root Example – Rearrange the following to make "c" the subjectModel answers & video solution for Rearranging Formulae Past paper exam questions organised by topic and difficulty for AQA GCSE Maths

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GCSE Maths Symbols, Equations & Formulae Flashcards Info Ratings Comments Flashcards by Andrea Leyden, created more than 1 year ago This Flashcard deck shows you the formulae needed for your GCSE Maths exam This includes Algebra equations and Geometry formulaeQuadratic Formula Here we will learn about the quadratic formula and how we can use it to solve quadratic equations There are also solving quadratic equations worksheets based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you're still stuckA more memorable form of this formula is 𝑊 ℎ× ℎ Bonus info The general form of the formula given above actually applies to a square, rectangle, parallelogram and rhombus (its just that the width is constant for those) For a kite with given diagonals #=1 2 1 2 When to use it

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